In Loving Memory
of Joanne Simpson
Henka Healing
Joanne worked as a Welfare Officer at Cedar Mount and created the VIP Room for Young People who truanted because they’d struggled to go to school due to their anxiety and had fallen behind in their school work. Joanne made an impact on many Young people’s lives as she knew what they needed to survive school and lessen the number of parents getting fined.
Jikiden Reiki Training
Joanne was originally trained in Western Reiki until she and Ian Calder found themselves drawn to Japan for a number of reasons before even being consciously aware of Reiki.
During one of the trips there, they investigated whether Reiki training was available and thankfully enough they came across Jikiden Reiki in Kyoto, which is the old capital of Japan, all though they were already Reiki Masters they retrained from Shoden (first) through to Shihan (teacher) level.
Both Joanne and Ian trained at the feet of bona-Fide Masters, and both became the first Shihans in the UK and only the 42nd Shihans in the world.
Healing Hands
Joanne had helped many people ranging from Footballers to former Kickboxing Champion Lance Lewis, but her incredible skill in Jikiden Reiki lead her to heal her own Mother who had been diagnosed with cancer and had received two operations in which the tumors had been removed before growing back, while on the waiting list for a third time she allowed Joanne to put her newly acquired skills as a Jikiden Reiki healer to the test. At the end of one of the sessions,her Mother said she felt an incredible sensation and felt as if the tumour had disappeared entirely, when her mother returned to the hospital doctors were astonished to find it had vanished.
Joanne always knew the powerful effects of Jikiden Reiki and what it is capable of.
Henka Healing
Henka Healing was established in 2004.
These are just some of the people Joanna healed and trained in Jikiden Reiki, and some of the places she visited during her training with Tadao Yamaguchi.
Jikiden Reiki Attuned
Jikiden Reiki Shihan (Teacher)